Hosting an Amateur Boxing Event

Any amateur boxing event in Alberta must be sanctioned by Boxing Alberta. Only registered Boxing Alberta Clubs may apply for sanctions, at least 30 days prior to an event. Boxing Alberta takes the safety and well-being of our athletes and members seriously, and we want to ensure all shows are adhering to the rules and regulations of Boxing Canada and World Boxing. 


Putting together a boxing event takes a lot of time, effort, and volunteers. We hope this guide will help you achieve success for your event. Please read through all the documents carefully and let us know if you have any questions. The application form for a sanction is at the bottom of this page.


Sanctions will only be accepted from registered Boxing Alberta clubs. Hosts must have attended 2 provincial events and the last AGM. If not, you will not be approved for a Sanction

To complete your sanction form you will need (click here for more info):
  • Contact name of registered club and event organizer
  • Requested sanction date and city
  • Venue name and address for the event as well as weigh-ins. Weigh-ins must be at minimum 3 hours before the event
  • Medical doctors name who will be at the event for pre-fight medicals as well as ringside

Once a sanction is approved, the applicant has 3 business days to submit their non-refundable sanction fee to Boxing Alberta. Should an event be canceled, for any reason, the sanction fee is non refundable and non transferable. At the event, the host must also provide the Head Official with $250 ($500 for Pro/Am) in cash for our honorarium for our officials. 

By submitting a sanction request, the host agrees to abide by Rules and Regulations of Boxing Canada, as well as the Policies and Procedures of Boxing Alberta. The host also acknowledges that they have all necessary documents from their municipality for hosting an event (e.g. Occupancy Permit, Fire Regulations, etc). 


(click here for more info)

Club sanction – $100
Tournament sanction – $500
Pro/Am sanction – $500
White Collar sanction – $1,500

Glove Rental – $150 (optional fee if you choose to use Boxing Alberta’s equipment)

PLEASE NOTE: When submitting a multi-day event, each day of the event must be submitted separately.


(click here for more info)

All bouts must follow the Boxing Canada rules for competition.Athletes are matched based on age, experience, and weights. All three of these elements must fall within the allowable rules for a match to occur. Please see our Matchmaking Guide for more detailed explanation of matchmaking.


(click here for more info)

Sanctions are based on a recommended 16 bouts.

We understand organizers need to plan for the inevitable last minute cancellations, but do strongly recommend a final card sticks to approximately 16 bouts (or 4 hours). Our officials are volunteers and we need to be respectful of their time.

Fight line-ups should include fighters name, weight, club, category, round time, and gloves weights. Printed fight cards must be provided to each officials table as well as in each dressing room. You will also need a printed sheet at the gloving table.


Official results must be submitted to the office 48 hours after the completion of your event. This can be done via email, and we recommend you circle or highlight the winners names on your fight card. 


Boxing Alberta is responsible for scheduling the officials for an event. The host must provide water for each official, as well as a dressing room for them to change in. Please remember our officials are volunteers, and our sport cannot exist without them.


(click here for more info)

Boxing Alberta is responsible for scheduling the officials for an event. The host must provide water for each official, as well as a dressing room for them to change in. Please remember our officials are volunteers, and our sport cannot exist without them.


Hosts may use Boxing Alberta’s logo on their promotional materials for a show. Please email us a copy of your poster and we can link it to our events page as well as promote it on our social media


Many clubs choose to sell 50/50 tickets at their events. Please make sure to have all the required licenses from Alberta Gaming Liquor Control (AGLC) to have a valid 50/50.


Sanction holders set their own price of admission to events. We would strongly encourage you to consider having kids under 10 at a reduced rate (or free) to help promote the sport to our next generation


Sanction Holders must provide the following items (click here for more info):
  • Cash for officials honourarium
  • Regulation Competition gloves (can also be rented from Boxing Alberta for a fee) and a
  • gloving table
  • balance beam or computer scales
  • dressing rooms for competitors (red and blue)
  • separate dressing room for the officials
  • sufficient pre-bout medical forms
  • Water for officials
  • regulation boxing ring and all amenities (arranged as directed). The minimum size is 16ft sq, maximum size is 20ft sq, measured inside the line of the ropes.
  • timing clock, a bell and an official for timekeeping
  • Printed bout sheet including names, clubs, categories, round time, and glove weight (available at the officials tables, gloving table, and dressing rooms)
  • The host club will be responsible for all category trophies and the keeper trophy for Bronze Boxer, Silver Boxer, Golden Boxer and the Best Boxer at any Provincial Tournament.
  • The Association will provide medallions at all major provincial tournaments.
Sanction Holders must provide the following persons at the event (click here for more info):
  • doctor at ringside and weigh-ins
  • recorder to do the recording sheets and boxer passports
  • official for the accreditation of competitors
  • Timekeeper
  • Gloving table workers
  • Announcer


The corner pads must be arranged facing the Technical
Delegate as follows:

o In the near left side corner – red
o In the far left side corner – white
o In the far right side corner – blue
o In the near right side corner – white

Click below to download and enlarge the Field of Play requirements

Ready to apply for your sanction?